Warning - this post is pretty deep and probably too woo-woo for some.
Over 10 years ago I lost one of the most heart hoof printing horses I’ve ever been blessed to own. Up until that day I believed everything happened for a reason. We lose people, we lose animals, events happen for lessons needing to be learnt or new beginnings to happen.
The horses I had lost up until this point all had their reasons for needing to leave this lifetime and some part of knowing that made it slightly easier to deal with but Oly was different, I thought he still had stuff to teach me, I thought we still had so much fun, adventure and time to share together. That day is when my belief changed, not everything always happens for a reason, sometimes shitty fucking things just happen.
10 years I have carried this new belief.
I don’t know what sparked the sudden realisation today but it had suddenly dawned on me. While I may not be able to understand the reason for losing him in this life time, maybe its another life that will show me the lesson. Maybe it doesn’t even have anything to do with me, maybe someone else in this lifetime needed his soul to come back in another form to show them the unconditional love he showed me.
So, suddenly, again, I believe in the truth of everything happening for a reason.
Sometimes you’ll just need to be more consciously aware to see the reason.
Sometimes you’ll have to let go of your pride/ego and take the lesson onboard.
Sometimes maybe you won’t even know in this lifetime the reason but there is always one.